Frequently asked questions

When should I spray my roof?

Most asphalt roofs show some signs of drying out between 6 and 10 years of age, depending on region and intensity of the Sun’s UV rays. We have sprayed houses as young as 6 years old and as old as 19 years old it all depends on the condition of your shingle at a given age. 

What are the weather requirements?

Temperature: It must be above +5 degrees for application.
Rain: Quickly penetrates the shingle’s top layer and begins soaking in typically 1 hour. There is no need for concern about it being washed away by the rain once it has been absorbed by the shingles.


What will my insurance company say? 

It really depends on the insurance company, most agree if the shingles can be maintained it saves them and homeowners money in the long run. This process resaturates shingles so they are flexible and hold the the little rock granule in place. Any inspector would see a rejuvenated shingle and see that it performs like new, its holding the rock granule in place, is flexible and not curling up at the edges


What does the five year warranty cover?

Roof Rejuvenate proudly warrants that the treated asphalt shingles will perform as originally designed and warranted by the shingle manufacturer for a period of at least five (5) years from the date of your treatment.

This is not a warranty against leaks from faulty installation or other damage sustained by the roof (hail, high winds). However, if under normal operating & weather conditions the treated shingles lose their proper operating flexibility, granular adhesion characteristics, or structural integrity or performance, Roof Rejuvenate USA will retreat all affected areas on a simple prorated basis (over 60-month warranty period).


Is the application Safe?

Yes. The product Roof Rejuvenate uses is ECO-Friendly and 100% safe for people, pets, property, and the environment, because it’s an all-natural food-grade product. Any overspray is rinsed away with a hose or rain..


How much does it cost?

On averge roof rejuvenation cost $1 a square foot, your average 2000 sq ft roof would cost $2000. 


What are the signs my roof is drying out?

When the shingles’ protective top layer of granule coating begins shedding off into the gutters. This coating functions as a sort of “sunscreen” for your shingles. The oil contained within the shingles is essential for maintaining this coating, but as it dries out, the shingles will start to become brittle and crack.

Black stains and streaking on the shingles is another sign that the roof is aging. Most roofs with staining are shedding the protective top coating to varying degrees. Note: Staining does not harm the roof and is only an aesthetic issue.


Will it change the appearance of my roof?

It will bring your shingles back closer to their original color. Most shingles lighten in color as the oil drys out. This natural oil resaturates your shingles, which helps to restore their color.